Wednesday 27 April 2011

Animal Have Rights Too, Stop Animal Cruelty.

 Animal cruelty is common everywhere, even in places where it’s prohibited. Although there may be laws on animal cruelty, its not highly implemented. Thus every year, there are several animals, including pets like cats and dogs, and wild animals, that are maltreated.
Animal cruelty can come in various forms. You could have observed someone physically hurting an animal. Animal cruelty can also be in the form of malnutrition when animal owners don’t feed their pets properly. Generally, what causes injury and suffering to an animal can be considered animal cruelty.
One way of fighting animal abuse is to report it as soon as it is spotted. Here are some things you can do to prevent animal cruelty.

Be Aware
Keep your eyes and ears open. Your local humane society or animal shelter wouldn’t know several instances of animal abuse without those concerned citizens who report cruelty in their neighborhood through phone calls. So, do your part and be on the look out for animals in your own neighborhood. This could be a possible indicator of neglect or abuse.
Learn to Distinguish Animal Cruelty
Signs and Symptoms – There are signs and symptoms observed in most abused animals. Watch out for wounds on the body, patches of missing hair, extremely thin and starving animals, limping and tick or flea infestations. An owner who is physically abusing an animal is abusive. Dogs left chained in the yard and without access to food and water is a neglectful act. Animals hit by a car and not taken to a veterinarian is also a neglectful act. These are all forms of animal cruelty.
Report Animal Cruelty
Know who to call when reporting animal cruelty. There are some states that have Humane Law Enforcement officers who can investigate and arrest perpetrators of animal cruelty. In some towns, you may have to call the police department or local animal control. Know who to call. Also, when reporting an incident, make sure that you provide as much information possible. The details will mean a lot to the investigating officer. Try writing down the type of cruelty you witnessed, who was involved, the date of the incident, and where it happened.
Do Some Proactive Steps to Fight Animal Cruelty
Animal cruelty is a crime. Write or call your local law enforcement departments and tell them that investigating animal cruelty should be a main concern. Fight for the passage of strong anti-cruelty laws on federal, state or local levels. Have signature petitions. Write letters to legislators. Stronger laws mean tougher penalties, and punishment for animal cruelty should be harsher! Support your local animal rescue organization or local shelter. Volunteer at animal shelters and rescue groups in your area.
Lastly, set a good example for others. You can prevent animal cruelty and it starts within you. If you are a pet owner, make sure that you always show your pets the love and care that they ought to have. Always provide food, fresh water, shelter and medical treatment if your pet is sick. Have your animals spayed or neutered. Be a responsible pet owner. And to top it off, a lot of hugs and kisses won’t hurt!

Save the animals and stop animal cruelty. Learn more 
on how you can prevent animal cruelty in your neighbourhood.

Animal Rights

Every day animals are beaten, neglected, or forced to struggle for survival. Left in unsanitary conditions with no food or water, they have little hope as they live out their days without the compassion they deserve. Some are found and rescued, given the chance to experience how great life and humans can be; others aren't so lucky. To grow as a nation, we must fight for these abused animals' rights and severely punish heartless owners. 

One of the first steps in protecting animals and ­creating effective cruelty laws is knowing what animal cruelty actually is. There are two categories: passive cruelty and active cruelty. The first ­involves acts of omission, meaning the abuse happens as a result of neglect or lack of action. Passive cruelty might seem less serious, but that is not the case; it can lead to terrible pain and suffering, and ultimately death. Examples include starvation, dehydration, untreated parasite infestations, inadequate shelter in extreme weather conditions, and the failure to get medical care. Passive cruelty is sometimes due to the owner's ignorance, so many animal control officers will first try to educate neglectful owners on how to properly care for animals before giving them a citation or placing them under arrest. 

Active cruelty, on the other hand, is more well known and disturbing. Sometimes referred to as non-accidental injury, this type of abuse involves purposefully inflicting harm on an animal in order to feel more powerful or gain control. Active cruelty against animals should be taken very seriously, since it can be a sign that a person has serious psychological issues and may commit more acts of violence – possibly against humans. 

It's not only up to the legal system to ensure that communities across the country are aware and educated about animal cruelty. There are plenty of things everyday citizens can do. The simplest action is for people to take care of their own pets and learn the facts so they can educate others on proper animal care. Another easy way to help is by donating to or volunteering at a local animal shelter. Contrary to popular belief, volunteering doesn't require a lot of time; simply going in a few hours a week helps tremendously. Finally, by writing letters you can remind your local lawmakers that animal abuse is a real problem that needs to be addressed. Taking a few minutes to support this worthy cause not only helps animals, it allows you to feel proud about standing up for something so important to society.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Phuket, Simply Heavenly.

Patong Beach is a beach on Phuket Island’s west coast in Thailand.  It is the main tourist resort in Phuket.  It also contains an important centre of Phuket’s nightlife and is the centre of cheap shopping on the island.   The beach became popular with western tourists, especially Europeans, in the late 1980s.  Numerous large hotels and chain hotels are located in Patong. One of the nicest parts of Thailand to visit is Phuket Island. There are so many things to do on Phuket Island that it will take you a couple of weeks to experience everything. This is probably the main reason why so many people who holiday on this island choose visit Phuket every year. 

There is so much to do in Phuket Island that it will be difficult for you to cram everything into your holiday time. There are many different places you can go to find the best Phuket photo and pictures on-line. In addition to the many different online guides about Thailand, there are also travel sites in which people share their photos as well as their travel experiences about a different place. 

Phuket Island is one of the most popular travel destinations of Thailand. One of the main reasons why so many tourists visit  each year is because it has some of the finest beaches in all of Asia. If you love beach holidays then you should definitely consider visiting this magnificent island on vacation.

Patong beach is the party beach. It is a crescent shaped beach in a cove , beautiful but spoiled by extreme commercialization . It is also famous for its bawdy nightlife glitzy, tacky, and fun. It is the most developed, most vibrant, most visited beach of Phuket that never fails to impress visitors. Patong beach is the most popular beach area of Phuket.

During the day the beach is alive with jet skis and parasailing. Thousands of people are on the white sandy beach enjoying Thailand’s wonderful tanning sunshine and cool breezes. During the evening, the nightlife starts to heat up around ten PM and lasts well into the morning

With several sights to see and surprises to offer, Thailand could be one of the best locations you should not miss to visit. Culture, beaches, people, and heritage sites are some of the things you can expect when you travel to Thailand.

Phuket has become one of Thailand’s major destination because it has a lot to offer and if horse riding is your favorite sport or just enjoy riding a horse for fun, then Phuket is the place for you as it has two riding clubs, the Phuket Laguna Riding club which is located in Bang Tao and the phuket riding club, which is located in Rawai.
Both island’s riding clubs have well trained horses and gentle horses for children and beginners. For experienced riders, guides will take you on more varied trails and professional instructors, guides and escorts are provided.
Horse riding is a romantic and fun way of exploring Phuket Island’s natural scenery and the first time riders; you will be escorted along small inner roads through the jungle and plantations surrounding the riding clubs. Experienced riders will take longer rides that will take you along some beaches, coconut groves and to the many island’s amazing sceneries.

Streets of Phuket. During the day, its often quiet, but its really busy at night. when everyone leaves the beach side, and start shopping, or hunting for food. Also, Phuket nightlife is one of those things that keeps changing. It is getting better all the time and there has never been such a varied ensemble of night spots to choose from.There are loads of pubs, and late night restaurants there. Also, there are many things to buy there such as, bikini's, clothes, accessories, bags, shoes, and more. the shops open till 11pm, and opens at 9am. Although it may seem crowded, but its a really nice place to go. Phuket is also famous for their paintings. Lots of foreigners go to Thailand to buy paintings and send it back to their country. Its famous for their exotic paintings with affordable prices. And it can be found anywhere and everywhere on the streets of Patong, Phuket.
Bikini's are sold all over the streets of Patong Beach, Phuket, because of the long stretch of beaches. Bikini's are sold at a very affordable prices and can be bargained. Also, bikini's are also sold at the beach side. 
 Choosing the perfect Phuket restaurant takes some doing as there are literally thousands of restaurants from which to choose – each more tempting than the other. As Phuket Island is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, there is a variety of different cuisine to tempt all palates.

Coconut Milk Sticky Rice with Mango

Thailand's very famous 'Tom Yum Gong'.

Som Tam is one of the most popular foods among Thai people for its fiercely spicy and sour flavours  Papaya Salad, with mangoes lots of chilli.
Kang Keaw Wan Kai (Green Chicken Curry)

worms, beetles, and cockroaches!

stalls among the streets


Nothing very sophisticated, just a nice place to relax. Phuket is very relaxing place to relax because its quiet, they have nice weather all year. The weather there is different than over here.
the BUSY streets of Phuket with lots of Thai restaurants, and pubs.  Most of the cars are actually cab drivers for tourist.

 Tattoo parlours are very famous in Thailand. Also, in Phuket there are many tattoo shops. You can find them in almost everywhere. Some people go to Thailand just for tattoos, and also, many tattoo artist come here, to Malaysia to open tattoo shops. Tattoos in Thailand are much cheaper compared to the ones here, but its better quality.
What's so relaxing about Phuket is that after a long day of swimming, you could actually have a massage at the beach side with a very affordable price. Around 150-250 Baht an hour. Which equals to RM15-20. Much cheaper than the ones here. Besides getting a massage, there are also Manicures & Pedicures which cost around RM 10 to RM15 and hair braids booth. Also, if you're hungry, you could also order food, and it will be delivered to wherever you're seated. Everything is so convenient, and i personally think, its like a mini paradise there, in Phuket.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Best Place, Japan!

Well, my family trip to Japan was great! I really think, Japan is one the of most beautiful place to go to. Japan is a country which has the whole package! A really nice business district, with good roads with uniform tall trees along the streets, lanterns, average shops and then, 5 minutes from the city centre - the most breathtaking scenary i've ever seen in Japan. . Massive forests, tall mountains, deep gorges, railroads, little villages, rivers, mist and small waterfalls in the mountains. I just couldn't believe a place could grab my heart so strongly in such a short time.

'Sakura' flowers.

 One of the few places i visited in Japan was Tsuruoka - this is in the Yamagata Ken. while not the most beautiful it has something really nice about it. Lanterns all along the river, quaint little shops, not far from the sea of japan. the thing i really liked was the trip past the big lake on the way, passing through the mountains.

  One of the best experiences was in "Kinugawa Onsen". Kinugawa Onsen is a popular hot spring resort town. Its famous for their natural hot springs throughout the year, whether its winter, or summer. Also, the hotel rooms follow the Japanese traditions. There are no beds, only mattress, no television or whatsoever. Its a really cozy and relaxing place to be in.

the hotel room.

"Kitanogurume" also known Sapporo Central Wholesale Market is the one and only place where you can find any Hokkaido produced food. Lots of fresh seafood there, and free tasting too! Not only that, there are lots of seafood restaurants there with very affordable prices! It was a good experience tasting lots of seafood which cannot be found here, in Malaysia.

Saturday 9 April 2011

My College Life!

As everyone knows, university life is quite challenging and enjoyable, I learnt the meaning of freedom. Till then, my life was a regimen. Strict. Discipliner. Enforced with a cane, kind of routine. The kind of military regimen you encounter in a private school. Waking up early, driver comes, and class starts at 7.15am. Now, classes start later, and we don't have to wear uniforms any more, which is a good thing for me. :) Everyday seems so exiting wondering what we'll do next, seeing new faces and meeting more and more people.

Lecturers in college seems cooler,and their dressing is much better than secondary school or primary schools. No more hideous uniforms. Also, in college, lecturers treats us as grown ups, unlike in high school whereby teachers still treat us at though we're still 7. Don't have to pin up our hairs like nerds, and we can do whatever we like with it. Everything is much more happening in college, from the lecturers, to the new faces i meet daily, I found it interesting to talk to new people, new friends, to the awesome food here, everything about college life is exciting as its a new chapter, one step closer to bring an adult. 
Everyone seem looking forward and enjoy it so much.Well, the sad thing is costly food. Without RM 10 note, don’t expect you can have a decent meal. That’s true, that’s how costly it is. But i think, with such environment, it is really worth it.

Here, in Taylors, i got to know many people, and started making loads of friends, and personally, friends here were much nicer than friends in high school. Probably because there were more people, and you could choose who to socialize with instead of just sticking with one group of friend for the past 5 years. In college, its funny how you've only met someone for only a week, can suddenly turn up to be your closest friend. Sometimes, even better than your best friend. I really do enjoy that feeling of having a new friend, and it really makes the environment in college so much better.

Just a week or two in college, everyone of us started socializing a lot, we had to drive 6 cars out to Sunway Pyramid for lunch. Roughly, 19 people came, and that was one bunch from my class, and one bunch from the other. It was really fun indeed, we had lots of things in common. Also, i believe, in college, friends are much more matured than the ones in high school where little fights happens for no good reason, here, 
everyone is more matured and they all have interesting backgrounds, and come from all over Asia. :D

here are some, of my friends i met here in Taylors

aiman matin

sabree, again.
